Dob Mob Apps

DobList Demo 1.0
Dob Mob
Any Android developer needs Endless ListView, and needs progressdialog to be shown in the middle of his own ListView at firstloading data, so he will write the code line by line or use acustom ListView to get some features and lost his own ListView.What about getting desired features with your own ListView and itsderivatives! DobLis is an Open Source Android library that providesto ListView adding ProgressBar (or any view) to the footer ofListView to be shown in loading more, and callback that is calledwhen reaching last item in ListView. You can find the libraryitself on GitHub (
زواج الاردن 1.0.2
Dob Mob
تطبيق زواج الاردنصفحتنا على الفيس بوك
Sebhate Wear - ساعتي سبحتي 1.0.2
Dob Mob
املا وقتك بالتسبيح بواسطة تطبيق سبحتي ساعتيعليساعتك الأندرويد.. تطبيق بسيط سهل سلس
DobSliding Demo 1.0
Dob Mob
There are more than horizontal sliding menu library for Android,butwhat about vertical sliding? DobSliding is an Open SourceAndroidlibrary that allows developers to develop applications withverticalsliding menus like Android notifications menu. You canfind thelibrary as well as this app itself onGitHub(